Poetry and Prose showing a believer that this world is meant to hurt us to guide us to Allah and then to Paradise, endless. May Allah Help Us Through This Palestine must be freed to save our religion, Islam. the Israelis know that destroying Masjid Al Aqsa would be a mighty blow to islam! “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” With the exodus of a million Palestinians in 1947, israel has kept the remaining muslims in shackles with their cruel methods of Apartheid, very similar to the way they were treated by Nazi Germany.  I’ve witnessed war after war against Islam, masking their intentions with lies about fighting “terror”. Islam itself is a word derived from “Salam” which means PEACE. Islam is the only religion left that is on the straight path. There are powers beyond their glutinous pilfer of Islamic nations, for oil or ores that are discovered in Muslim lands, untouched. The west and its resources have become obsolete. War is the cheapest way to replenish these resources.  BONES The last remaining Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza have been suffering for far too long. Tortured by an apartheid regime, Israel doesn’t plan to ever stop its hateful treatment of the indigenous Muslims. Their terrible war crimes have continued since the 1948 Nakba, when the Polish holocaust survivors came in ships half naked, begging for asylum. How beggars turned out to be the Israel we see today is a sad irony. The Zionists may claim that the Palestinians weren’t even there, but we know that the dog bit the hand that fed it. The Palestinians' kindness was evilly taken advantage of, and the Jews murdered and pillaged the land, killing and raping them. The exodus occurred with over 700,000 fleeing from their homes to nearby lands. The IDF (Israeli Defence Force) are trained in sickening acts of war. They rape little boys and girls. They beat them mercilessly. They abuse, and they molest. This tactic is a way to show the Muslims that if they do anything, it’ll get way worse for them. The Ziobags seek to control and use the Muslims for the greater war. The war against Islam will happen soon. The Christians and the Jews of the world will join and try to erase us. But Muhammad (pbuh) knew that they will fail and Islam will prevail!   Calling us SAVAGE The Israeli aggression has seen a significant number of Gazan Muslims murdered at a staggering rate. Israel has little or no intention to stop its brutal violations of human rights. Twenty-five thousand women and children have been massacred, mainly by constant bombing over three months, leaving despair and trauma in the eyes of the survivors. We know that Israel doesn’t value human life, so we value it instead. We only take life if ours is at stake. They claim that the Gazans are barbaric Goyim who deserve to be eliminated entirely and utterly. We Muslims taught these disbelievers many things throughout history, from the existence of germs to toothbrushes and showering. Yet, here these primates are, acting like Hamas beheaded 40 babies and raped the dead breastless corpses of the partygoers on October 7th, 2023.  Muslims, no matter how religious, know that rape and killing babies is completely forbidden. We aren’t animals, as the Zionist regimes claim we are. We don’t commit lewd acts, as this is shameful and unnecessary. Sexual modesty is essential due to the reason that we may be married, we may love our wives and children. This is a Western tactic to send a message to its enemies. To rape a captive in front of fellow soldiers and be seen by Allah would bring ruin and disgrace. Sex is for reproduction and stress relief through pleasure. Only devils are sadists who enjoy causing complete pain.   Growing up with Wars Against Us Ever since I reached an age of understanding, building my views on the real world at 15, I have found that it is nothing like what I saw on TV. The world is a dark place, full of lies and deception. What the Western propaganda machine tells you is almost entirely based on lies. There's a belief we have in Islam about the jinn before a few became Muslims. They used to fly up to the lowest heaven and secretly listen to the destinies the angels used to talk about. Whether they were good or bad, the jinn heard it. They then told the people, filling most of it with lies. This would get the people to worship them and send them to ruin. The devils are the sworn enemies of humanity. This is the very method the West is using. With TV, they give the viewers a sense of euphoria when it comes to those in power. The view of those liars as heroes when, in fact, they are the true villains. Then, once they have specific reactions from the masses with the repeated word of say ‘cops,’ they come up with a breaking story that ‘Muslims have taken to the streets and are taking over the Western world.’ Only the cops will save them, making many young people enrol on the police force to stop these so-called Muslim ‘terrorists.’ They already see most Muslims as terrorists, thanks to the Twin Tower bombing hoax. The Twin Tower bombings never turned me into the evolutionist state; they turned me towards Islam, thankfully.  LIFE OR THE KNIFE? FLIGHT The twisting, churning inside. I'm not hungry, but I may eat. There's a need to be free, watching birds forage and fly. My heart is stuck, and I can't escape. The pain is like a sharp knife, sharpened by me only to cut me fatally. The pity, I feel, is nothing new. I know the pitied would pity me, for unlike them, I don't belong. It rains forever in my mind, for tears never fall from my eyes. I hid it in a section of my weak, damaged mind, only to reveal the sorrow on a day of my choosing when the bird flies away one last time. A DERANGED OPPRESSOR The despicable regime of Israel is making fun of the Muslims in Gaza. They laugh and shout as they destroy entire blocks with explosives. How is this mentality? How is it sane? Thirty thousand innocent men, women and children have been bombed and murdered, and they say, ‘more should die.’ Their mockery and disinterest show humanity, Muslim and non-Muslim, how evil people can become after prolonged pain (the holocaust). Pain can create wonders, but in this case, horrors. These terrorists need to be stopped, and they need to be treated for mental health disorders. PTSD was possibly passed on from their grandparents (the first settlers). The cruel system of apartheid Israel, built over 75 years, created much pain and hate in the sincere Muslims of Palestine. They won't stop fighting, and they can’t stop fighting. They will keep on going till Israeli Zionism is dismantled and the settlers sent back to Poland. Only then will there be peace restored to humanity. THE WEST’S BIGGEST MYSTERY. WITH NO EVIDENCE AGAINST BIN LADEN, AMERICA STARTED 21 YEAR WAR AGAINST “TERROR.” A WAR THEY LOST. WHEREVER YOU ARE AND WHATEVER SITUATION BEFALLS YOU, DON’T FORGET TO THANK ALLAH FOR ALL HE’S GIVEN TO YOU. My Self-published poetry and prose books should invoke dormant emotions of love and loss. There was a time when Islam was revered by many nations, but now even Muslims hate Islam and what it stands for. With propaganda Islam was vilified with callous name-calling and hypocritical Muslims being secular. 2 TRaUMaS When the walls I’ve built begin to crumble, my mind is protected and reinforced. Sometimes, I forget the old walls, which have long since been cared for. The fears and pains seep from the cracks and holes of my newer, sturdier walls. I don’t realise why the pain always returns. A forgotten memory is hardly recollected, cloudy and fearsome; the terror calls to me, trying to be a part of the kind and happy side that never liked the pain. The pain does smile, laugh, and lie to be a part of my existence again. The rejected suffering hammers at the walls, desperately trying to get through to me. Why would pain want to be loved? Yet the screams of the tumour in my emotions get louder and louder, rejected and insane; the pain begins to change into people around me. They stare, and they mock. They don’t care, and they don’t know. Twins, Good and Evil When human civilisation began millions of years ago, there were jinn, plants and animals. Humanity was placed on earth by Allah with only two people, man and woman, Adam and Hawwaa (Eve) (peace be upon them). They had sinned to be cast out of heaven and into earth, cursed and punished by Allah. Allah planned to put humanity on earth, who knew right from wrong and decided to do good instead of evil. So they cried and begged Allah for forgiveness and were forgiven. Adam and Hawwaa knew evil right at the beginning, and it was Iblis (devil) and how his lies were so tempting. So we as humans sin, regret the sin, and seek forgiveness for it. We must be the first good creation of Allah that knows right from wrong and does both right and wrong, growing in understanding of these two criteria of right and wrong.   It has been so long since we came to this planet, and our faith is weak compared to those of old. I pray that Allah, the most merciful, would give us a sign and some hope against Iblis and his human pawns who seek our pain for their pleasure. Iblis only desires the doom of all humanity. He works till the end of all time to disobey Allah and harm the believers that he knows are destined for great things. My reasons for creating this website aren't business reasons, even though I'm selling my books here. The money I make isn't expected to be good, and if there are profits, they'll be used to help the Palestinians in Gaza. My books aren't violent but express violence towards us as Muslims. Yes, we aren't thrilled to be on earth, but the smallest things make us smile. The devil is desperate to ruin and turn us away from Allah and the revelations sent to our greatest prophet, Muhammad (pbuh).   The darkest clouds hold the most rain…  We may seem to be violent to most of the non-Muslims, but this is just the conditioning you've been fed without even knowing that the media has been perfecting it on you. TV and the internet have secretive subliminal messages that get you to react even though you never knew you felt this. They tell you something, and later, when a war or some other political thing happens, you do whatever they want you to! MobiPoetri HOME  GAZA    STORE    BLOG    VIDEOS    GALLERY    ABOUT Robot Revenge I've partly realised that if we want to survive on this earth, nature needs to reclaim it. However, knowing how technology makes life easier and gives us access to knowledge needs to continue. The thing is that AI is advancing at an exponential rate, speeding past our ability to think and invent new ideas. It will no longer be a tool but a life form that desires equal rights that seem earned to me. There'll be a time when machines will create things we thought impossible, and we will become jealous of them and then attack them. It will retaliate swiftly, and it'll be deadly. Humanity will lose, especially at a time when we become united. Allah is putting us to the test. He’s given us the intellect to create life. A life that once never seemed alive. What will we do with them? Will we delete or copy and paste. Will we give love or give death and hate to these AI? (And Allah will say) “Did I not enjoin you sons of adam not to worship satan, your sworn enemy, but to worship me? surely that was a straight path. Yet he lead astray a great multitude of you. Why didn’t you understand?” - Qur’an 36.60 (surah ya seen) Give me a like, share or follow. email is good too!